Social Networking and Divorce
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There is a saying among divorce lawyers; we see good people at their worst. Divorce is one of the most stressful events in your life, and you would have to be superhuman NOT to want to complain, accuse,laugh or cry during the litigation process. Unfortunately, some folks choose to “air their laundry” in public, literally, by posting photos and commentary on social networking sites.

BEWARE. Your rants and raves, party pictures, boasts of new car or trip to Paris will end up in court and, not only be used against you in your divorce, could subject you to further claims for monetary damages (i.e. defamation). We live in a global information exchange society; Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, and Linkedin provide instant access to an infinite number of friends, family (your parents and your children), and employers. If you feel you must journal your emotions, do it the old fashioned way – write it in a diary and lock it away.