Life After (and during) Divorce
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Divorce is a game changer. Everyone, depending on the particular facts of their case, must deal with emotional upheaval, loss of family and friends, basically a life-rewrite. It is important to first provide for your own needs (emotional and physical) before you can possibly tend to the needs of others who depend on you (be it children, parents, friends, employer). No one is so together that they can weather this kind of storm without the assistance of others. Connect with your friends and family, be social; do not isolate yourself.

It is one thing to dip your toes into depression and anxiety and another to dive in head first and drown yourself. See your doctor; there are many treatments available to assist you as your move through the divorce process. Get physical – walk the dog, bike with the children, do Wii,– physical movement has a positive influence on your mood.

Follow your dreams – divorce can be an opportunity for you to rediscover yourself. Go back to school, join that dance troupe, volunteer at the hospital, become a veterinarian. Really, the only limit on your possibilities is YOU. I received the following advice years ago and find it is true: When Life deals you a lemon, make lemonade.