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Posted by  in Divorce

Many folks choose to represent themselves in their divorce. Sometimes it is a financial decision,
sometimes it is not. It is everyone’s right to represent themselves in their court action. However,
the pro se litigant (the person representing himself) will be held to the same standard as an attorney.
This means the pro se litigant will be required to follow all applicable Family Law Rules of Procedure,
Evidence Rules and any other procedural rules governing their case.

The pro se litigant will be expected to know that law, both statutory and case law, as it pertains to their case. Beware of using nonlawyers
to draft documents or provide advice, under new Rule 10-2.2, “it shall constitute the unlicensed practice
of law”. If you must represent yourself, use the Florida Supreme court approved forms, located at
www.flcourts.org. These forms are designed to be user friendly and include explanations and directions
on what to do with the form.